Bracknell Forest Council selects Bramble Hub and Computer Aided Development Corporation Limited (Cadcorp) to replace its Corporate GIS System

Partner: Computer Aided Development Corporation Limited (Cadcorp)


Bracknell Forest Council (BFC) is one of six Berkshire Unitary Borough Councils, with Bracknell, Sandhurst and Crowthorne accounting for over 90% of its 114k population. The Borough includes large areas of agricultural land and forest.

The Requirement

BFC was seeking to procure a modern web-based and desktop GIS to replace its existing corporate and departmental GIS facilities in order to provide a unified GIS environment for all of the council's spatial data-related applications across all council departments. In December 2105, FBC issued a tender via the Crown Commercial Service's Local Authority Software Applications Framework

Our Success

The tender was awarded to Bramble Hub and Computer Aided Development Corporation Limited (Cadcorp) in May 2016, based on the quality and competitiveness of our bid.