The National Archives is the first government agency library in the UK to move to open source with the Koha library management system, implemented and hosted by Bramble Hub and PTFS Europe

Partner: PTFS Europe Limited


The National Archives (NA), based in Kew, is the official archive and publisher for the UK government and for England and Wales, responsible for managing over 1,000 years of historical records and ensuring public access to, and the re-use of information, both online or onsite at Kew.

The Requirement

The NA needed to replace its existing library management system and looked to the Koha open source library management system for its cost effectiveness, user-friendly and easily accessible online resources, together with its potential to integrate with future innovations in the management, storage and retrieval of information.

Our Success

The NA selected Bramble Hub and PTFS Europe, via government's G-Cloud catalogue, to undertake the initial implementation and providing ongoing support for the Koha library management software and the associated open source products that enable location and management of electronic information resources. The contract was signed in April 2016.