Bramble Hub and Channel 3 Consulting provide IT consultancy support to help the Housing Ombudsman Service move to flexible working in their new offices.

Partner:  Channel 3 Consulting


The Housing Ombudsman Service (HOS) is an Executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Communities and Local Government to resolve disputes involving tenants and leaseholders of social landlords, private landlords and letting agents.


HOS was moving into new serviced offices where staff would begin desk sharing and flexible models of working, which would require the renewing of its IT and telephony and call reception systems. The Service issued an ITT under Crown Commercial Service’s Consultancy One (RM1502) Framework for expert consultancy support to help them form an IT strategy and a project plan on how to deliver that strategy.

Our Success

On 16th March 2016, the contract was awarded to Bramble Hub and its partner Channel 3 Consulting to deliver the IT Strategy, which enabled HOS to complete the move as planned.