CCS Vertical Application Solutions Framework (VAS) - RM6259

Crown Commercial Service (CCS) launched the Vertical Application Solutions Framework (VAS) in 2023 to offer a broad range of software products and associated services to buyers in central government and the wider public sector. The framework (which has CCS Agreement ID RM6259) was originally set to expire in late-2025, but was extended by a further 18 months in 2024.

VAS includes five lots, and Bramble Hub is a supplier on all five of these, enabling us to offer a rich range of our partners’ solutions to public sector organisations. You can find more information on each lot below.

As a thin-prime supplier we have successfully bid on VAS projects with our software solutions partners, for customers including the University of Ulster and Dundee City Council.

The VAS framework partially replaced the Digital Application Solutions Framework (DAS), which closed for new business in 2023.

CCS reported in May 2024 that around half of the customers using VAS were in local government, and another 20% were central government organisations. VAS has also proven popular in healthcare and policing.

Vertical Application Solutions (RM6259) Lots

Bramble Hub can supply software products and associated services via the following VAS lots:

VAS Lot 1 - Business Applications: This lot relates to products that provide solutions in areas such as payment processing and civil enforcement.

VAS Lot 2 - Education, Community Health and Social Care Solutions: The second lot relates to the the supply of vertical solutions for education, including learning platforms, academic management software and enterprise health solutions.

VAS Lot 3 - Housing, Environmental and Planning Solutions: Lot 3 allows for the purchase of software solutions in areas such as building control, licensing, property management, waste management and geographical information systems (GIS).

VAS Lot 4 - Citizen Services: Lot 4 relates to software solutions in areas such as museum and library management, democratic engagement systems and registrar systems.

VAS Lot 5 – Blue Light Solutions: This lot covers the purchase of products specific to the emergency services.

 News about this framework 

About the Vertical Application Solutions Framework

Start: 7 March 2023

End: 6 March 2027

Visit the VAS page on the Crown Commercial Service website

How Bramble Hub works

We operate as a thin-prime contractor on public sector frameworks, along with our network of subcontractors. Our public sector customers get access to hundreds of innovative suppliers, and our partners get access to contracts they otherwise could not access. We match customers with suppliers and we eliminate the pain of procurement for both sides.