Bramble Hub and Channel 3 | Bramble Hub


West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust (WHHT) offers the full range of acute services at three hospitals across the region. It is the largest acute assessment unit in Europe. It employs 4,000 staff and has a budget of £260 million.

The Requirement

The Trust identified an urgent requirement to outsource and modernise its ICT infrastructure, and issued an ITT in September 2012 under the Government's ICT Consultancy and Delivery Services Framework, for consultancy support to assist it in undertaking this major programme of work.

The contract was awarded to Bramble and Channel 3 Consulting, part of Channel 3 Group, which offers a full range of services to the health and social care sectors, including many NHS clients.

Work commenced on the customer site in January 2013 to undertake an independent assessment of WHHT's existing ICT infrastructure and subsequent sourcing options to meet the strategic needs of the Trust into the future.

The Approach

Channel 3 Consulting introduced a skilled team into the Trust to assess the capacity, capability and maturity of the existing infrastructure provision against the strategic needs of the organisation.

The team developed an outline business case using the OGC Green Book Cabinet Five Case Model to ensure the best value from public spending and ensure that the strategic objectives were met.

Our team brought the following expertise:

  • Business and stakeholder engagement;

  • Business requirements and outcomes identification;

  • Infrastructure capacity, capability and maturity assessment, including service management;

  • Business case development;

  • Programme/Project management;

  • Organisation development/TUPE/Organisational structure;

  • Commercial and procurement.

Channel 3 Consulting ran the selection programme for the Trust that led to an approved the ICT infrastructure provider being appointed in June 2014. The Trust has now engaged Channel 3 Consulting to work with the business and the outsourcing partner, to ensure a smooth and successful transition and delivery of improved service and technology.


The 12-month programme of work is using Channel 3 Consulting's skills, knowledge, capacity and capability to provide Service Management, Technical Assurance and Commercial & Contract advice.

It is estimated that the programme will achieve cash-release savings of £9 million over seven years against the Trust's minimum spend position.

Partner insight

Channel 3 are the experts offering professional services for the health and social care sectors in the UK and beyond. Channel 3 Solutions’ experts work in a collaborative manner that transfers knowledge, networks and contacts. Health and social care is complex and fast-moving world that constantly reinvents itself under increasing cost pressure and patient complexity.

Bramble insight

Bramble Hub are specialists in helping ICT companies secure public sector contracts through UK Government frameworks. We have a large network of SMEs and niche specialists to meet all ICT requirements.

To find out more about being a Bramble Hub partner email us or phone 020 7735 0030
