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The Start Well programme sought to redesign paediatric, neonatal, and maternity care across North Central London
In choosing to implement an Open-Source software solution, as opposed to using traditional proprietary software, Royal Marsden’s journey to meeting their functional and fiscal needs has created an IT value proposition that focuses not just on delivering an improved bottom line but on delivering top-line business value for the entire NHS.
Bramble Hub and Channel 3 successful business engagement could lead to £9 million savings
Bramble Hub and Digital Assurance test security and compliance at the Medical and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency
Bramble Hub and Marathon IT Services selected by DEFRA to review its critical IT Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery provisions
Bramble Hub and Landmark Solutions implement resilient secure web service that is always available to the public
Bramble Hub and TR Control Solutions help Government staff understand their impact on the environment and save on energy
Bramble Hub and GOSS Interactive helps HSCIC to lead the way in user-centred online information delivery
Highways England operates England's motorways and major A roads, including maintenance and upgrades to help prevent incidents on the road network. They have around 3,500 staff based in 7 offices across the country.